7 Benefits of Yacht Management Software for your Business

Those who are lucky enough and that have deep enough pockets to have a yacht have a whole different set of problems that demand a simple solution – yacht management software.

What is yacht management software? Well, first it has to be a partnership between the management company, the vessel, the Capitan and the owner. The best way to put it together is that this is a triangle of communication between the owner who is at the top of the triangle and the management service and the Capitan and the crew. The way the communication, orders or any other form of understanding moves depends on the situation. Sometimes the management company deals strictly with the owner other times Capitan and the crew have more face-to-face time with owners. As we said this is up to the situation at hand and it is always changing.


A management company that takes care of your yacht is a really important part of the whole show. They do a lot of job for you and instead of you so you don’t have to worry about anything and you can relax and enjoy when you decide to go on a cruise. With new technologies, a new segment in this has risen and it is the necessity for software that will manage your yacht. Today we will discuss this a bit further and list the benefits of having the said software. For more info about yacht management software check seazone.app

1. Overview

Having software doing your yacht management will make your life easy. The software can be set up to have a neat overview of all your clients in one place and all you have to do to look at all of them is scroll and click. The abundance of papers and folders is greatly reduced and everything is in the software that is making everything easy, accessible and simple to review. The software can offer you an overview of expired documents for every client, you can have insight into those that need renewing but haven’t expired yet and this I ideal if you want to track all the permits, licenses and other important documents. Another great thing is that software can aid you in tracking the necessary inventory every client must-have. Thanks to this your client’s yacht will never run out of tools and other items that can make or break an important cruise.

2. Easy tracking


Yacht management software is there to makes thing easy, we have established that. Thanks to that having software that will have the list of every piece of equipment listed for every yacht that is under your management is an awesome thing. Imagine how much time your workers would spend making runs to everyone and physically checking every piece of equipment to establish which is defective, which needs change etc. all of the components you have onboard are listed in the software in the right tab and from there you can easily track them by name, make, model, serial number and you can see the status of each one. If there is a piece of equipment needs tending to the software will inform you and give you all the information you need. From here you can also easily track all the task you need to do, that is due, and that is overdue.

3. Everything in one place

Besides all things we already mentioned probably the most important one regarding the ease of jog is having everything in one place and regularly updated. This means that all maintenance, all parts and inventory are listed in one place and you have easy access to everything. From there you know your next moves, you can calculate the labour and time needed to complete everything and you can inform your client of everything that is happening if there is a need. This approach to business is serious and shows your responsibility and professionalism.

4. Client-side


With every upgrade you as a business make you have to consider your client as well. What are they getting in return? With management software, you will show them they are in the first place and that you offer stellar customer service which is more appreciated and paid more by the clients. Management software will allow you to deliver a personalized customer experience that will be highly valued and make your clients feel special.

5. Greater organization

Thanks to software like this, things are more organized and you as a business can perform at your best without worries about any potential mistakes and oversights. Less time-wasting on menial things that can be done by the software means you focus more on the job you have and, on the client, which they will greatly appreciate.

6. Improvements lead to client retention

There is nothing wrong with manually managing your client’s business, but small improvements in your business mean that you have a lot more chance to retain a customer and get referred. When your business turns stale you miss a lot. Not making changes regularly and not implement the new technology does not reflect with clients that care about that. By constantly improving you can expect a profit increase and even calculate profit changes for the future.

7. Do more with less effort

By having software do some or most of the job for you, your business can thrive and increase the number of clients you have. If you are a business owner then constant increase and less work can only mean one thing for you – profits. Having management software allows you to even work remotely and still be on top of everything. Having all string in your hands and being able to track and control everything is what most business owners are looking for.

Yacht Management Software is the future and if you don’t have one then you should think about getting one and see where it leads your business. The companies that already switched to this way of working have reported increases in client satisfaction, more profits and more clients that are constantly satisfied.

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